dismantling saneism & ableism, & abolishing psychiatric incarceration, is inextricable from abolishing police & prisons, because psych hospitals are prisons.

end post.


if i had to objectify myself, i'd say that sometimes i feel like my life was just meant to be a social experiment to see how people, especially "good people" (newsflash: even fascists think that they're "good") & "leftists" & "anti-capitalists" & "abolitionists" & "mutual aid organizers" & "social justice activists", could respond to extreme violence outside of the state, & everybody i've met before very recently, has spectacularly failed.

image description:

an art piece. the bottom layer is paperwork from a psychiatric prison; most of the paper is blurred out. the visible words are: "hospital stating that / said that the election of Donald / reported suicidal ideation with a plan to / The respondent was awaiting voluntary / "boy problems" and "rapist parents" / would be a "magical cure" / acknowledges / always in a "mixed episode" / "for voluntary treatment and respondent:".

the top layer is handwriting in black digital pencil, which says: "i find it laughably ironic that since i became the kind of person whites call the cops on, & was psych imprisoned, most "abolitionists" i've met have treated me like absolute shit [drawing of a heart]".

trigger warning: r*pe, v**lence, & "abolitionist" hypocrisy











after all...

the man who raped, abused, & told me he would murder me/help me kill myself, in 2014, was a vegan man of color, father of two children, & tech worker who called himself an anti-racist prison abolitionist, too.