Top 1 Tip to Get Rich Quick! — Number 1492 will surprise you!
*the title & synopsis is a joke, & the images are used in jest
I get why people lie about being "okay", now.
I never understood, before.
Is it fair that some people live on the streets, while people no more deserving live in houses?
Is it fair that rich people get to exploit workers in every country?
This pandemic has revealed to more people, if you didn't see it already, that our current systems are fucked. If you can't see that, you must be sitting on top of some tower above the rest of us.
Maybe you're living in that colony of rich people on Mars.
We have to go to work, even if we're sick.
Otherwise, we will lose our jobs, our housing.
Stores have to stay open. If they have to close again, people lose their jobs, lose their income. They might lose their housing. I don't blame them for staying open.
Having the stability to have food and housing and income in this country is by pure happenstance alone.
Privilege, familial and friend support, mental stability, abled-ness, dis/ability, desire/ability, body size, poverty, language barriers, immigrant status, et cetera...
that are not in our control.
Meritocracy isn't real. Most of the "smartest" and "hardest-working" (those are ableist standards, anyway) people I know are impoverished and constantly worried about losing their livelihoods or housing, due to their disabilities, dangerous jobs where they could contract COVID-19 (including ANY indoors work in a pandemic, especially food service), or other factors completely outside of their control.
Does Elon Musk, more than someone who struggles with their mental health because of trauma or circumstance, deserve to have what he has, more than other people?
Did Mark Zuckerberg go to private school STEM camps paid for by his white parents as a child? (Yes.)
Here's a great way to make money: Have rich white parents.
Anybody can do it if they just try hard enough. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
Here's a great way to make money: Have rich white parents.
Anybody can do it if they just try hard enough. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
If you don't have rich white parents, go find some!
Just believe in yourself.
Say some affirmations, & you’ll be able to manifest it in no time!
If you can't see that this system is fucked, then you're the fucking problem.
水仙 doesn't have rich white parents — did have some daily-ly violently abusive ones, though! — help them recover from decades of daily trauma & housing instability. help them pay rent, here.